She Makes it Look Easy
Hey friends,
It's the weekend and I wanted to let you know of a give away. Check out my friend
Karen Ehman's blog. She is teaming up with my friend Marybeth Whalen for a great give away.

If you've ever looked at another woman and thought, “I want her life”, then you're ready for the truth!

While on the surface that "woman" appears to have it all–she appears to be:

better looking, has a better home, a better marriage, and better-behaved children.

"She" makes life look effortless while you feel like life has sucked all the life out of you.

Oh friends, when will we learn that the grass isn’t greener on the other side?

Truth be told, the grass is only greener when it's watered regularly, some weed and feed is regularly applied, then the outcome is: regular mowing, then and mow and mow some more!

Check it out and find the truth for yourself!



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