Monday's Message

Thinking to pray...
Intriguing to think about don't you think? (Pardon the puns)

When prayer becomes an integral part of who we are, then thinking to pray will become unnecessary and obsolete. Prayer will be as natural as breathing. Throughout the day we will offer up prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving as well as those "Help me Jesus, now" prayers when faced with trouble or danger.

So how would you answer this question.
"Did you think to pray?"
I'd love to hear your story.


Blogger Michele Caséca said...

Hi Zoe,

I'll try to put in words my story!
Well, I gave my life to Jesus 6 years ago and since then I've been moved by prayer.

I believe that the deep desire I felt in my heart to meet God in prayer was already the beginning of this meeting, and the beginning of my prayer life.

Day after day our sweet Lord has taught me there is no substitute for prayer.
Prayer is necessary for our spiritual growth, so we can develop intimacy with God.

We can't remain the same when we put ourselves before God in prayer.
I believe when we pray, the Holy Spirit leads us to the Truth.

Zoe, I have lived through good days, in which I have felt my life shining beautifully, and also through bad days, in which I have tasted grief, brokenness and uncertainties.
But I've learned how to survive in laughter and in pain: bending my knees and lifting up a prayer.

I can't wait to tell you my testimony at the Conference!

Michele Caséca

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