Happy Tuesday my lovelies,

If you've ever spent any time in the hospital with family or friends, you know how exhausting it can be.
I'm taking a time out today to lend my best friend Lisa Barlow a hand.
Lisa's dad is in the hospital, and I have the honor and privilege of bringing him a cheery hello, Lisa a bite of lunch and a bit of company.

What would you most like to receive if you are the one standing watch in the hospital?


Anonymous BethA said...

When I've been at the hospital with a loved one, I've craved some magazines -- fashion, interior design, whatever your friend has interest in. There usually isn't time or attention span enough for a book. And maybe a great Starbucks creation or some kind of special snack/treat. But the thing that will speak the most to your friend's heart is that you've come to see her and her dad. Nothing tops that.

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