I'm a Recovering Drama Queen!

Hi, my name is Zoe Elmore and I'm a recovering "Drama Queen". There, I said it!

If you know me at all, you will know how grateful I am that God blessed Tom and me with two sons and one AMAZING daughter-in-law (who is the farthest thing from a drama queen. I don't even think she knows what that is). Boys and spiritually mature women are so easy and they have taught me so much about the reasons why I don't want to be a "Drama Queen" anymore.

Because I'm a recovering "Drama Queen" I can easily recognize and have little tolerance for "Drama Queen" behavior these days.

Sadly, it has taken a lifetime, but thankfully, I have outgrown the need for a "Me" centered universe. Instead, I have tried to become a Jesus girl who is kind, compassionate, considerate, low-maintenance, thick skinned and drama free. Yes, I do meltdown from time to time, and even step back into the "drama zone" but I don't want the story of my life to be about me! I want it to be about Jesus and how HE has changed my life, redeemed my life and empowered my life.

That's why I'm saddened and shocked when I see and hear adult women fussing, fuming, whispering about one another and throwing temper tantrums.

Friends, life on this side of heaven is too short and the world is too lost for beautiful and blessed Jesus girls to act like 4th graders.

As believers in Christ we must choose how we live our lives.

If you recognize yourself in any of these behaviors, I would encourage you to take a breath, confess your sin of "self idolatry", then kneel before the ONE who gave HIS life so that you and I could testify to HIS amazing grace in our lives.

Are you guilty of:

1. Whining

2. Discontent - Always wanting "What she has"

3. Refusing to grow up and get over it

4 Being Catty and making snide remarks

5. A Critical attitude, but can't take constructive criticism.

6. Being a Snob

7. Jealousy

8. Manipulating Others to get what you want

9. Gossiping

10. Breaking confidences

11. Constant neediness and demand for attention

12. Being Easily offended

13. Forcing others to walk on eggshells

14. Moodiness (other than the monthly hormonal ritual)

15. Being Dishonest

16. Refusing to listen more than you speak

If you answered yes to any of these I would encourage you to step away from your former sinful life and call on Jesus. When we do that, through the power of the Holy Spirit HE enables us to live a life that builds up others, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, leaving the drama far behind us.

I'm encouraging you to get over yourself and rise above your former self in order to let your life testify to the redeeming and transforming power of Jesus Christ. I'm encouraging you to live your life above yourself and for Jesus.

To encourage you, remember that you are NOT alone in this. Jesus and His most trusted disciple friends had to work through some drama of their own. Peter had a very short fuse. James and John grew up with a mother who was pushy and insisted on having her own way. Thomas had a negative outlook and Matthew had a past. Not one of Jesus' beloved friends could stay awake when Jesus needed them most. But in the end, they invited and allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to change them from the inside out and they changed the world forever.

If that's not an encouragement to put away the drama.....Maybe it should be.

Now it's your turn.


Oh the drama! I am now raising two lovely little girls and as we strive to raise them in a way that would please the Lord, we have to curb their little drama episodes. However, it is SO humbling to know that so many of times their behaviors can be a relfection of mine own. Moody-yes, critical-yes, thinking of self before others-yes. My daily prayer is that I would reflect Christ so that my girls may learn to do the same, its a slow process at times but I like to think we are making progress!

Blogger Joyful said...

Zoe, a friend of mine posted this as her status on FB today:

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE. Getting back up is LIVING.

Thought it fill well with your post here. Instead of Drama Queen's we can be Diva's with Divine Inspiration for a Victorious Attitude! (I didn't come up with that, I read it somewhere recently.)

From one Princess to another,

Blogger Amy said...

I love your post today, Zoe. Truly, I can't even imagine your drama queen days. You've always been one of the kindest, most giving women I know. Thank you for that very revealing list. I may or may not have recognized/resembled a few of those characteristics. Thank goodness Jesus has me in process!

Blogger Kim said...

Wow! Powerful, hard, honest words. Will definitely be pondering them and praying. Thank you for your honesty!

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