Get your Roots Done!
Goody Morning My Bloggy Friends,

Do you remember the scene from the movie "Steel Magnolias" when Weezer tells Clarie to get her roots done?
Well girlfriends I am soooooo there!!
It's been more than 10 weeks since I had my hair cut and colored by the magnificent Cindy Russell and tomorrow's the day to change all that!!
I've tried the Nice and Easy root cover-up (works really well but take more than 10 minutes as advertised), dark brown mascara and even a little dark brown eye shadow.
Take it from me friends, you should stick with the professional $7.00 touch-up kit.

The mascara runs down your face when you have a hot flash. I have about 15 hot flashes a day and it's not a pretty sight to mop the brown ooze from your forehead. The brown eye shadow trick made me look like I had brown dandruff and I don't even have regular dandruff!
I've tried combing, teasing and rearranging my hair one hundred ways to cover those ugly greys.
Hip hip hurray! Today will be the last of day of hair manipulation and contortion (at least for a few weeks).
I feel like a hair gymnast with all the twisting, teasing and turning.
Trust me I'm not going to win any medal for this!

What are some of your emergency beauty tips or mishaps!!!
Please share


I don't have any beauty tips for sure! I have a long overdue appointment with my hair dresser on Friday myself. And I've just never taken the plunge with color....those grays are about to be as many as the blacks.....but I'm to sporatic with the beauty shop and I've have roots showing ALL the time!

I mainly just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading this post! It literally made me laugh out loud! And I needed that!

God bless you,
Marilyn in Mississippi

Blogger Chef Diane said...


I have two words "HOME PERM" by mom in the 7th grade a week after I was the new student at that school. Needless to say I was the one who gave many laughs to lots of students. Being in the kichen under a chef's hat I didn't care about the hair until I took off the hat. Then I used another ball cap to hide that. Since I had to retire I make it a practice never to wear hats. I began with highlights about 8 years ago and they give me enough so that the gray blends well. I do it every 6 months and after I get cut it has a bit of a different color because of the lenghts of the highlights.
I did date a guy once who had a perm and used this stuff called "sun in". You spray it on your hair and go out in the sun and by some magic it turns you hair a different color. His turned bright orange, I forgot to mention he was a life guard and the pool water did something strange with it. He also had big bushy hair. I couldn't stop thinking "bozo the clown" every time I saw him.

Blogger Vern ~ Inspired said...

While in NC I had a serious discussion with Wendy B about letting my hair go naturally gray.
She looks so beautiful with hers...I am not sure that would work for me!
But I have to touch up my hair every two - three weeks...what a Pain!

I have no other great tips...other than the ones you mentioned.

I am Tagging you and would love for you to visit my blog for more details.

Love ya!

Blogger Wendy Pope said...

Thanks for the tip.

This makes me think of our spiritual roots. Are we all tending to those?


Love you Pretty Princess!

Blogger Zoe said...

Thanks friends,
Wendy I agree with your thoughts completely & I'm writing a devo about this.

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