What's Your Type Part 2
Hey there Bloggy Friends,

It's been so interesting to read all of your personality types.

I mentioned in my last post that Tom and I had first taken this test about 15 years ago and had just recently taken it again.

The first time I took the test I was an Otter/Otter and
Tom was a Beaver/Lion
This time the results show that I have morphed into an Otter/Retriever and Tom has morphed into a Beaver/Liotter.

If you haven't already done so I would encourage you to do this with your children.
We even did this in one of the offices I work in and it's been amazing.
When the office lion begins to roar; we can gently say "You're lion is showing a bit today."
We use it for all the different types and have found that everyone responds really well without getting their feelings hurt.

I'd love to hear how that might work our in your office or home.


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