Healthy Lifestyle Continued
I'm back!
And yes, my quadriceps (upper thighs) are still screaming; you just can't hear them due to the screaming emanating from my arms and back. I'm only kidding friends and being a bit melo-dramatic for effect; but my quads still quiet hurt every time I walk or move.
I actually survived another work out and will post a few pictures in a minute.
I want to examine the spiritual applications to the question I posted earlier:
"I wonder what area of the body we will work on today?"

I've been studying a book with some of the P31 staff on Thursdays for the last few months and we're finishing it today.
"A Long Obedience In The Same Direction" - Discipleship in an Instant Society.
Eugene H. Peterson - Translator of The Message

Take it from this woman with ADD and dyslexia who still struggles with reading; this book is a quick and easy read (for the most part) and it offers a lot of helpful lifestyle lessons.
The book has opened my eyes to a number of different areas in my spiritual life that need to be addressed, worked on, or polished if you will.
Perseverance for instance is one chapter in the book and is the one area the Lord is working on in my life.
Honestly, perseverance doesn't "come naturally" for me. I like to "blame" the ADD or having three part-time jobs but I'm convinced my lack of perseverance goes much deeper than that.
Simply put; I haven't disciplined myself to persevere and that's why I don't persevere.

The dreaded "D" word... Discipline.
At times,I have despised the word discipline.
Look at the definition:
1. training to act in accordance with rules.
2. activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training:
3. punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
4 .behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained by training and control.
verb (used with object)
5. to train by instruction and exercise; drill.
6. to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.
7. to punish or penalize in order to train and control; correct; chastise.

As believers in Christ our lives are to be in a state of order, in order to have a powerful and positive influence for the cause of Christ on everyone we interact with and to bring God glory. I can only achieve that ordered state of life if I am obediently training my physical and spiritual bodies through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I don't know about you, but I think I've finally had a light bulb moment here.
Look at the last definition I've listed for the word discipline.
I think choosing to live a disciplined life of perseverance and choosing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, direct and empower me versus the alternative of punishing penalty in order to train sounds like the right choice for this gal.

Hellooooooooo... screaming thighs,aching back,high cholesterol,unhealthy lifestyle. These are my punishing penalty for not living a disciplined life of perseverance in my physical life.

What about you? What insights are you willing to share?

Here are the pictures I promised from today's work out. Let me clarify one thing... That's not my belly showing in the pictures, it's a shirt peeping out beneath my top shirt and the pink banding at the top of my pants. Trust me; unless
you're my husband or my physician you don't get to see my belly.

Okay, it's your turn... I've been open and honest here; I'm hoping you will too.

Tomorrow I'll be drawing for the (2) $20.00 Target gift cards.


Blogger Charlene Kidd said...

I just had a minute to catch up on everyone's blogs. I am soooo proud of you. I remember our conversation flying home from the retreat in Florida. I have been working hard since then. I am excited to report that I have shed some pounds and toned some inches as well. It has not been easy. This time around though my motivation for doing so is a healthy one, and not a vanity driven one. I will have to share that story one day.
I love the spiritual applications. Keep up the consistent work, and we will celebrate at She Speaks!!

We leave on Saturday for two weeks of vacation, I am praying for discipline during my time away, so I wont undo all the progress I have made.

Blogger Joyful said...

Hi Zoe,
This is great! I think in order for me to persevere and be disciplined, I am only able to lay aside every encumbrance and all that so easily entangles me, and run with endurance the race set before me, by fixing my eyes on Jesus. He wants me to "consider Him" so that I don't "grow weary and lose heart". (Heb 12:1-3)

I love what you wrote about choosing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, direct and empower. On my own, I give up...but with God I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Often when we discipline our children, we tell them it's for their good - which it is. God's Word tells us the same thing - the Lord disciplines those He loves. It's too bad the word "discipline" has such a bad rap. The benefits of discipline are great, but often the process stinks! Guess the old saying is right..."No pain, no gain". We will be rewarded for being disciplined in ALL areas of our life...physical, as well as spiritual disciplines.

Keep it up! Can't wait to read what you'll write next!
(PS. Just in case you actually happen to draw my name - please draw again - we don't even have "Target" stores in Canada. I think they might be a division of our "Winners", but don't know :o)

Blogger Zoe said...

You are the best! Thanks for your precious and insightful comments. I always learn from them!
I'm always excited to read what you share.
I was hoping Target would be in your area because I drew your name first.
Way to go Charlene. Keep up the great work on this lifestle adventure.
Enjoy your trip; I can't wait to "see less of you" at the conference.

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